Chapter-13 Biology Humour Much?
Yo, it's me again!
Today is something special!
If you are interested in biology and can take a little bit of humour, this will definitely not disappoint you.
Credit goes to those who are able to come up with crap like this.
Question: Define The Following Terms
Antibody: Against everyone.
Artery: The study of fine paintings.
Bacteria: Back door to a cafeteria.
Benign: What you've been after eight.
Cardiology: Advance study of poker playing.
Cat Scan: Searching for lost kitty.
Chronic: Neck of a crow.
Coma: Punctuation mark.
Cyst: Short of sister.
Diagnosis: Person with slanted nose.
Dislocation: In this place.
Duodenum: Couple in jeans.
Enema: Not a friend.
False Labor: Pretending to work.
Gallbladder: Bladder in a girl.
Hernia: She is close by.
Labor Pain: Hurt at work.
Lactose: Person without digits on feet.
Lymph: Walk unsteadily.
Menopause: Men do not wait.
Microbes: Small dressing gowns.
Obesity: City of Obe.
Pacemaker: Winner of Nobel Peace Prize.
Protein: In favor of teens.
Pus: Small cat.
Red Blood Count: Dracula.
Rupture: Ecstasy.
Secretion: Hiding anything.
Serum: A sailor's drink.
Subcutaneous: Not cute enough.
Tablet: Small table.
Hilarious, aye?
Wait, there is more!
I came across this on Youtube and I found it pretty interesting.
Scientists believed that our earth was once a big continent called Pangea.
And when they tried to combined South America with Africa, this appeared.
Look. #1 Our World Map. Nothing special.
#2 Our World Map as well. Just turned vertically.
#3 Look! South America is headin' towards Africa!
#4 OMG...(Speechless).....
#5 Not your everyday Barney...
#6 A closer look at the Dino/Dragon/Barney or whatever...
#7 If you see carefully, you can see it's legs and something that look like wings on its shoulder.
Mysterious eh?
I stared at it for a moment and it's kinda creepy. Trust me.
That's it for now, you science freaks out there!
Stay tune for more, only from Pandemica!
p/s: There isn't any personal sentence this time! RECORD BREAKIN' !
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