Thursday, December 31, 2009

Chapter-17 The Start Of Something New...Sort Of

Hey, folks !

I know you guys didn't expect another update from me so soon.

Just wanna give you guys a surprise. Haha.

Anyways, It's the last day of the year again.

Sigh..time sure passes quickly.And boy do I feel old.

In my opinion, 2009 has been a really weird year.

Weird in a good way, that is.

I've learned many things, no doubt, especially when it comes to knowing one's weaknesses and care for other people.

In other words, I'm sure I've become more mature (Don't you dare laugh).

It's 11.34 PM now...half an hour more to a whole new year.

I just hope it would be a great year, and the start of something new...

And this is the real LAST post before I get my butt inside the jungle.

So, I'm gonna wish my families, friends, my BASIC (brothers and sisters in Christ, if you haven't know) a happy new year and blessed 2010.

And to my dear little "sister", whom I'm not gonna name, study hard and make sure you hug the pillow earlier. It's bad for your health if you stay up so late, y'know. Your bro here wishing you all the best ! Believe in yourself and you will fly.^^

That's it, folks.

Pandemica here, signing off. Till then, Ciao !

p/s: HAPPY NEW YEAR !!! RAWR !! *Cough..


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Chapter-16 Punk Hair And Sexism?

What's Up, People!

It's been like, what, almost two months since the last update.

I know, I know, but before you start throwing Molotov Cocktails at me, let me first shoot you with a bazooka.


Ahem, back to the subject.

I went to Sunway Lagoon with some friends today.

Wicked rides, the adrenaline rush, everything. Pure Insanity.

I'm suppose to blog about the trip, but something made me change my mind.

We were takin' a dip a the main swimming pool, when we notice a young couple, about our age, making out.

Yes, you read that right. Making out in the swimming pool, surrounded by hundreds of people.

And if you think that's OK, go @#$% yourself.

I'm pissed. And that's probably where my inspiration for this post came from.

I seriously don't get it. The girl just allow the guy to hug and kiss her everywhere. And to me that's not sweet. It's gross.

Come on! What are they thinking?

They really humiliated themselves big time.

I usually have nothing against teenage relationships, but this just went overboard.

For you guys' interest, I'm gonna describe that guy a bit.

Firstly, he dyed his hair yellow. Not a good sign.

Secondly, his action tells me he has bad manners and is not well-educated. Purely a bad sign.

Thirdly, (this is my personal opinion) he neither look handsome nor cool. Fail.

I don't see why girls fall for guys like this.

Too naive? Maybe.

Blinded by love? You bet.

The world is messed up. People like bad guys and despise the good guys.

People care for the evil ones and ignore the good ones.

People only see your mistakes, and when you show them some affection, they ignore it completely.

This bugged me for a long time and I can't stand it. I have to voice it out somewhere.

On Facebook? Bad idea. Just like what I said, they will ignore the truth.

On Twitter? Screw it. I've only got 10 followers.

So there you have it. Postin' it here is the best option.

And the question of the day is: What pisses you off the most?

Leave your answer in the CBOX, and the best answer gets a shout-out !

That's it for this time, smell you guys later. Ciao.

p/s: Okay, I'm not going through any relationship problems. I'm pissed by what I saw, not by what I've experienced before. Don't get me wrong, got it? And one more thing, this could be the last post before another long standstill. Why? 'Cause I'm going to learn to shoot you with a Colt M16. When will be the next update? Not sure, but maybe in mid February if possible. Lastly, MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAVE A HAPPY NEW YEAR!


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